Looking at my 2019 goals has me out of whack y’all. It’s honestly a lil disappointing to look at. I don’t think I lived with enough intention in 2019.
If you want to see the entire list of my resolutions head back to this post here.
I feel like everyone sets resolutions but by the end of the year who is keeping them accountable. Well for me, it’s y’all. I want to talk about a couple of them in particular.
some goals i hit and miss //
The first goal was to finish my bachelor’s degree and that was an easy one for me.
Next, I wanted to make an income out of my blog or get a real job. I ended up taking a path towards starting my own consulting company. Making some money, nothing too serious yet but we are in the baby stages still.
P.S If you want to make my 2020 stunning and know someone who needs social media consulting, do NOT hesitate to email us, check out our site here.
I was hoping to reach bigger statistics on my blog and Instagram. I am not quite there. t’s about time I really deep dive into that. It’s a little scary thinking a whole year went by and I made small progress.
All my goals related to the personal growth I think I did pretty well. I stuck my ground on a lot of things I found important. Of course, I did my best but I definitely see areas I could have done better.
I prioritized relationships and did my best to balance my life. Now, I see my struggles clearly.
With all that being said, I am not down on myself for not reaching some of my goals, instead, I have opened my eyes. I saw the things I did well and the things I can focus on more. Seeing those things makes it so much easier to move into 2020 with realistic goals.
2019 was a year of learning lessons. If I’m being honest, this year ended up requiring lots of change. 2020 is going to have lots of opportunities for growth and personal achievements. I am really excited to see what 2020 will bring me.
write your goals
I encourage you to really write down this year’s resolutions somewhere you can look at them at the end of the year and check your progress.
Next week I am going to be sharing my goals for 2020. A new decade of my life.
Life requires growth and change or else I would still be that girl from 2010 and I don’t think I would ever want to go backward haha.
My 2019 goals weren’t super far fetched and I think I was pretty realistic, I mean you never want to set yourself up for failure. This year I am going in with even more intention.
Let’s catch the wave! Next week I will be sharing my 2020 resolutions.