For the past few years I have started making vision boards as a way to get excited about the new year. I’ve noticed that many things from my past vision boards have come true. Of course, hard work plays a big role, but they also serve as a nice reminder of the intentions I set at the start of the year—even if plans change or some goals aren’t achieved.
I went straight to Pinterest and looked at what I have been pinning all year. Luckily for me, I am constantly using Pinterest for inspiration and had a whole year of pins to look at. If you don't already use Pinterest I would highly recommend starting for this year! This sparked a lot of ideas for what I wanted to see from 2025. I didn't have to sit down and right out each goal right away (which for me can feel a little daunting). Instead, I had photos to inspire me and then lead me to what goals I wanted to accomplish. I am a visual person so its really nice to get ideas flowing!
The other part of envisioning 2025 is by looking back on 2024. What did I accomplish? What didn't I accomplish?
Being in my late 20's it feels like nothing important happens as the years pass when I don't pass society's expectations of someone my age. Did I get engaged, have kids, buy a home, find my dream job? Ah, yea, well nope none of that but I still did grow a lot this year, even through the failures.
Let me break down a couple things I failed at.. and succeeded at!
I interviewed for a job that I didn't want but as the process went on, I decided it would be such an exciting opportunity, only to lose that opportunity after they hired from within.
Mel and I officially closed Glow Getter Collective LLC. While it's somewhat a "failure" I really see it as an opportunity to open ourselves up to something new!
I joined a book club, which made me nervous to put myself out there but it has been so rewarding! It helped me reach my goal of 15 books this year.
I started working as a wedding content creator for Cupid Content Co. and I am so excited about what new opportunities and growth this role could bring.
I hit 1 million monthly views on Pinterest! This was a goal I had been hoping to hit towards the end of the year, after I saw what rapid growth I was hitting. I surpassed 1 million just before Dec 31st.
Now, that wasn't nearly everything I accomplished (or failed at) because I would rather not air it all out in some lengthy post no one wants to read. Maybe I will make a cute little recap on TikTok if anyone is interested, check it out over there.
So back to the vision board, let's break down into categories. I first find words, phrases, or quotes that I really like. Something that I am resonating with for the next year of my life.
I find some that are more specific and others that are more motivating or inspiring. Some coincide with the photos surrounding them on the vision board itself.
Next up is photos of my goals. As an example, I really want to make sourdough bread next year, so of course I added a photo of a sourdough loaf. I also included more vague goals like, I want to maintain my healthy pilates practices and hobbies. As I think over it the next couple days I plan to get more specific on those goals in a journal.
I think you could go about this one of two ways. Write the goals first, then vision board. Or vision board and then write the specific goals. I prefer the latter but you do you.
I still want to visualize my board somewhere small in physical form. I have found in past years I made them too big I didn't really like how cluttered they felt in my space. So I might just print it out and glue it into a journal I have. I think I will definitely make it one of my desktop wallpapers as well as for my phone!
My dear friends and I are actually going to do a little presentation night of our 2025 vision boards which i think is a beautiful way to share with our friends what our goals are. It's also a great way to keep each other accountable!
I also saw someone did a scrapbook of each month of their year and I sort of realllly loved that idea. So I think I am going to do a little version of that in a notebook each month. I am always falling behind on journaling so this could be a good way to stay on track! The goals really start flowing once you sit down and start thinking about! Ah I better go write them down in my notes app before I forget lol. The straight to journaling I promise!!
Happy New Year everyone!!